Daddy, it's been 3 months since God called you home. I miss you so very, very much and my tears will never stop until the day I see you again. Dad, you always had a good heart and a very special soul you were the best father anyone could ever want and I feel so very lucky, proud and honored to be your daughter. God has truly blessed me in allowing you to be a very important part of my life. I only wish that he would have let you stay longer. I guess God had special plans for you in Heaven and when he calls you, you have to answer. You were the most honest, loyal and intelligent man I have ever known and I am still amazed at how really wonderful you were and still are! You are my Hero. You were so very brave and courageous, thoughtful, kind and considerate. I miss your very loving and expressive warm blue eyes that twinkled whenever you were amused by something. I miss your wonderful smile and laughter that warmed my heart. I miss your wisdom and wit and the wonderful stories about so many different topics. I miss your company and how we always watched TV together whenever I came over to visit, now Mom and I watch TV and I feel your presence so strongly at times and so does Mom. I know that you are in the room watching your favorite programs with us. Dad, God Bless your wonderful and loving heart. If only I could transport myself to where you are right now, it would make me so happy, but I know that's not possible and I will see you again when it is my time. I'll just have to be content in knowing that your spirit is still very much with me and always will be, just as my heart is with you and always will be. Dad, I don't think there is a Daughter anywhere in this world who loves their father more than I love you. There couldn't possibly be and I would have done anything to keep you here, but it wasn't in God's plan and there wasn't anything I could do about it. That is what truly breaks my heart, watching you leave us. But in seeing the suffering that you were going through, it wasn't worth keeping you here in that "pain" and after awhile, Dad I prayed for God to end your suffering and pain and He did. It was then that he took you home to be with him in heaven. You made the world a much better place by being in it and you were everything that most people should be in a lifetime, but unfortunately, are not. Oh, how I admire you, your strength of character and integrity and anyone who ever knew you should consider themselves very fortunate and extremely blessed. Please continue to watch over us, especially Mommy she needs you most. I love you more than you ever knew.