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Wind Beneath My Wings
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74573 Criar Memorial
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Ellie "The world's best Husband" February 11, 2014

If I could write a story

It would be the greatest ever told
Of a kind and loving Husband
Who had a heart of gold

If could write a million pages
But still be unable to say, just how
Much I love and miss you
Every single day!!

Tom, you're simply the "Best", I love you.

Your Wife "Always thinking about You" February 11, 2014


I feel a warmth around me

like your presence is so near,
And I close my eyes to visualize
your face when you were here,
I endure the times we spent together
and they are locked inside my heart,
For as long as I have those memories
we will never be apart,
Even though we cannot speak no more
my voice is always there,
Because every night before I sleep
I have you in my prayer.

Love always,
Your Wife " I love you Tom" February 10, 2014
Your Wife " Tom, you will always be in my heart" February 10, 2014

I will miss you...Forever
I will love you, forever
I will speak your name, forever
I will remember you, forever
I will live your legacy, forever
I will carry you in my heart...FOREVER!!

Tom, in my heart you will always be, so loved and so missed.

LaToya Angel February 10, 2014
Total Memórias: 120
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