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Wind Beneath My Wings
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LaToya Missing You February 13, 2014

Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you or miss you. I wish you were here. I am proud to have had such a loving and encouraging Dad. I will always love you and pray that you watch over me and the family, especially mom she needs you. You are my everythin dad. I love you dad. I Promise to make you proud. Love you daddy.

Your Wife "Tom, you're in my soul" February 13, 2014

Thank-you for your endless love, that helps me through each day, and thank-you for the memories that will never fade away.

Honey, you're the man I loved and I was proud to be your wife, and everyday in some small way, I celebrate your life and though it's sad to think about the way things were before, I know one day we will reunite and it will be forever more!

Tom, you're the light in my tunnel. I love you with my soul, because one day my heart will stop beating, but my soul will always burn for

I love you,

Your Wife "The pieces of my broken heart" February 13, 2014
My Love,

When God was making husbands as far as I can see, He made a special soulmate especially for me, He made a perfect genlteman, compassionate and kind, with more love and affection than I could ever wish to find.

 God gave my darling husband a heart of solid gold, who in return gave me wonderful memories only my heart can hold!

Tom, you were someone I could talk to that no one can replace. Honey you was someone who I could laugh with till tears ran down my face.

Honey, the next time we meet it will be at heaven's door, when I see you standing there, I won't be cry anymore, I will put my arms around you and kiss you, hug you and smile because, the pieces of my broken heart will finally fall back into place.

I miss you so much, my Love.

Your Wife "Tom, oneday our soul will be together again" February 13, 2014


Six months ago, I lost the love of my life
I'll remember the good times and try not to be sad
But saying goodbye, until we meet again still hurts so bad

I miss you more then I can express
My love for you will never grow less
I keep trying to imagine how I will go on
I realize tomorrow is another dawn

I know you’re in heaven above
Looking down on me with all your love
Only to whisper in my ear
Remember that I will never stopped loving you, Ellie dear

I’ll always remember the good times we had
Remembering my man, my wonderful husband!
I’ll remember you each and every day
And if I need to talk to you, I’ll just sit down and pray
Because I know our Heavenly Father sits high and looks low

Honey, It was such a great pleasure to have you as my husband, my soulmate and my friend. One day we’ll be together again to talk about all the places we been until that time… I’ll always treasure our love and time the we spend together!!

Tom, I will always remember not just that you died but that you lived and that your life gave me memories to beautiful to disregard.  Honey, in my heart, I will always love you. In my soul, you live forever, I know that oneday my soul will join you and we'll always be together. 

I miss you,

Your Wife "Tom, I miss you and I always will" February 12, 2014
My Love,

I miss you, when I first awake I think that you're still here, and for a fleeting moment the clouds all disappear. Tom, for you brought endless sunshine until you went away, and now I miss you desperately each minute of the day.

Honey, I know that you would not like to see me sad so what I try to do, is live a bright and happy life in memory of you!

Tom, for though I will always miss you and it's dreadful being apart, I know that I have'nt really lost you because you're still here in my heart.

Honey, I just want you to always remember, I respect you so greatly and I thank you for being the greatest man, husband, soulmate, father and friend in the world in everyway!!  I love you forever and ever.

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