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Wind Beneath My Wings
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Ellie "Remembering our family members in Heaven" December 10, 2013
Ellie I Have These Holes December 4, 2013
Your Wife "We love and miss you1" December 4, 2013
Your Wife "Our First Chritmas without Tom" December 4, 2013
Christine Aaron Wilkinsons Mom Happy Thanksgiving November 28, 2013
David Cody~Wife forever Letter September 18, 2013
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Thinking of you. x August 31, 2013
Michael son August 22, 2013
 Dad..through your  words and actions you taught me what it means to be Man, a Husband, Father and and Grandfather.Those values will last a liftime...Thanks 
Bessie Layton Friend August 22, 2013
I only knew Tom a short time but he impressed me as a very loveing and caring husband & father. He did not have to say anything to let you know how much he loved Eleanor and his family. The love was displayed in his eyes and his face whenever he looked at one of them. He will be missed here at Family of Faith Lutheran Chuirch. Even though he was quite ill the last while, when he was able to be at church he simply glowed with life. May God bless his loved ones and support them during this time of grief. He may not be here in body but his spirit lives on with Jesus and in the hearts of all who loved him.

LaToya Mswilfong@gmail.com August 21, 2013
Good Morning Dad... I need a extra boost of energy today. Please be with me today and always ;) Miss you like crazy my angel... Love you
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