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Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Happy new year. x December 30, 2014
dragan's dad Merry Christmas December 25, 2014
Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum Remembering Thomas on his First Angelversary August 13, 2014


Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum Keep My Memeoy June 22, 2014


Keep my memory with you, for memories never die;
I will be there with you, when you look across the sky.

I will be there in the clouds, in the birds that fill the air;
In the beauty of a fragrant rose, you will find my memory there.

You will feel me in the tenderness, of a baby's gentle touch;
You will hear me if you listen, in the twilight's gentle hush.

When your hearts are heavy, and you feel that you are alone;
Just reach down deep inside of you, for your heart is now my home.

I will always be with you, I will never go away;
For I will live on in your hearts, forever and a day.


Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Thinking of you. June 12, 2014
Michael Wilfong Happy Birthday May 3, 2014
Dad..... Remembering you is easy, I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that NEVER goes away!!!! Happy Birthday to a man yall knew at Thomas J. Carroll, I just simply knew him as Dad
Ellie To All: "Happy Easter" April 20, 2014
To All,

May you feel the joy of the presence of Jesus. The Lord has risen to bless us.

This Easter I pray that the love of God is resurrected, Reborn, Renewed in your heart's.
May His love bless you always. Wishing you all a "Happy Easter"

Your Wife "A message from Heaven" February 12, 2014
Ellie To: All February 10, 2014
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ Wishing you a Happy New Year December 31, 2013
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